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Sunday, January 16, 2011

ESU 4 Special Education - January 17, 2011

Monday Memo
Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 17, 2011
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother." - Albert Einstein

"Be extraordinary in the ordinary things in life." -Unknown
Courageously leading a dynamic revolution in Education! 

**Time Sheets and Expense Forms are Due (by Monday, January 17, 2011) Please plan to get them into the office accordingly!!


**Mileage Reimbursement.... As of January 1st, the IRS allowable rate for mileage reimbursement will change to $.51 per mile. Please note as you submit your December/January reimbursement; you will have two different mileage figures...
**Schedules... I posted this comment last week and due to the lack of response (I only received 3 schedules from certified staff), I am asking again... I need everyone's weekly schedule ASAP, specifically those who are itinerant and can be found in different locations on different days. I am developing a schedule for everyone's formal professional evaluation. This year, I'd like to set up a schedule rather than the hit and miss efforts of the past. So... please share your schedule with me by the end of this week (January 14, 2011). Thank You! I will have a schedule ready to go by next week... Thanks to Ellen Cain, Denise Buethe and Christy Tanner for reading the memo and submitting your schedules! Note: Speech staff can scroll down on this website to see what information I have for you. If it's okay... I need to know. If it's changed, I need to know. 
Go for it
Run toward it
Dive in head first
Live life with no regrets
Put your heart out there
...Don't be scared you might get hurt, but its all worth it in the end... THE BEST IS YET TO COME

**Weather reminder... I can't believe that winter 'snuck up' on me! Generally, I post the weather reminders about making sure that you are aware of the weather, on the districts' contact lists, etc. However, this year, I missed the opportunity! So, better late than never... it's convenient when all the ESU 4 districts close at the same time, however, be aware that weather conditions are often different throughout our ESU. If you have any questions or concerns about weather and roads, please call ahead to your schools and learn about conditions. If you have any concerns about safety, make the safe choice. Please make sure that your districts are aware of weather conditions as you are driving. Thus endeth the yearly sermon about weather safety! ;-) (Posted 1/11/11, EJS)
Upcoming Staff Development...
 - ASD Cadre, Friday, January 21st... 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. @ ESU 4.  Register via the on-line registration website!
 - Writing Measurable Goals... WEBINAR Series, Session #1! Monday, January 24, 2011 (3:45 - 5:00 p.m.) All ESU 4 Certified staff need to register and participate in this webinar series... No travel involved. Just a computer! Everyone who participates will receive a copy of "Writing Mearuable IEP Goals and Objectives" by Barbara Bateman/Cynthia Herr. Register via the on-line registration website. NOTE: We will be able to record all webinars. If you need to participate via the recorded webinar, let me know and I will get you that information!

Self Evaluations/Goals-action plans/Individual Development Plans... I am still missing self-evaluations and goals/development plans from Kathy N. 

LESSON REFLECTIONS were due November 19th!!!... I'm still missing reflections from the following people... Amy Jobe, Denise Buethe, Aimee Daily, Kathy Novak, and Joel Halpine. For those of you who do not teach specific lessons, please reflect upon a testing session or a meeting. (Updated 1/12/11 - EJS)

Requests for Professional Development/Workshops...Send in a leave request WITH your original request to attend the training; sometimes we get your registration information but I really need that leave sheet. (This might help us in being more accurate and timely with leave forms as well.)

According to the New York Times, there is no scientific research that proves that life is serious.
So... Lighten up!!! 
**LEAVE FORMS...We continue to have trouble with getting all the forms we need, when we need. When you are submitting a request to attend a meeting/workshop, please attach a copy of the workshop flyer with the leave request. That will allow us to make sure we've got you registered! I don't want to be repetitive here (but I will!), your leave requests really need to match your professional goals. If I don't have your goals, I can't okay leave requests!

When is it a great day to be a Husker fan????
The correct answer is... ALWAYS!!!

Never stop playing the game!
Educational Service Unit #4, Auburn, Nebraska

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